On November 8 th and 9 th, the First Congress of Volunteering in Osona was held in the Aula Magna of the University of Vic. The congress brought together 250 people representing 80 social entities, demonstrating once again the social involvement of the region.
Within the congress activities, a meeting was held with the name of “Sharing Good Practices” in which Array Plastics participated explaining what CSR practices related to the community are carried out. Anna Cármenes, head of CSR at Array Plastics, explained in detail: the internal site of the social insertion company TAC-Osona (with 6 to 10 people), the annual grant of a school assistant at the Mossen Cinto school in Folgueroles for the children with special needs, the collaboration with the ESTRIP magazine, the collaboration with the ADFO association, the participation in the Oncotrail, etc …
This participation served to share how companies can collaborate with the social entities of our environment to improve the living conditions of our community.